When the LWVUS system launches this week here's what you can expect: February 3 - 7
As a local League member, you are also a member of LWV Washington and LWV United States. As we mentioned in previous meetings and Nov - January Voter newsletters, LWV is switching to a new membership process for all Leagues across the country.
There is no action that you need to take right now, but we want to keep you informed.
When the new systems launches this week, you will be receiving an email directly from LWV of the United States (LWVUS) inviting you to log in to the portal.
Once you have access to the portal, you will be able to update your contact information and make dues payments. As always, you can access everything from our website https://www.lwvthurston.org and we will continue to list interests, member directory, and volunteer opportunities, and link to this new system from our website.
The change for our members is that LWVUS will be administering your membership joining and renewing process.
- You will receive an email to log in to the portal, but you will not be asked to renew again until a year after your most recent renewal.
- You will be given the option to sign up to auto-renew annually, and your membership will last a year after your last renewal.
- Once you have access to the portal, you will be able to update your own information, including contact